Rett Syndrome Update: Evolving Management Strategies (Archived CME/CE Podcast)

The educational activity will review the latest guidelines and recent clinical trial data of newly approved and emerging disorder-specific therapies for Rett syndrome.
Rett Syndrome Update: Evolving Management Strategies – Part 1 (Archived CME/CE Webcast)

This educational activity will focus on recognition of the subtle signs and symptoms of Rett syndrome during the early stages of the disorder as well as identifying the presentation of Rett syndrome in males.
Rett Syndrome Update: Evolving Management Strategies – Part 2 (Archived CME/CE Webcast)

This educational activity will focus on recognition of Rett syndrome, with a review of the latest guidelines and best practices to implementing the guidelines through a case study.
Rett Syndrome: What Do General Pediatric Providers Need to Know to Enhance Care? (Archived CME/CE Monograph)

This educational activity will provide pediatric clinicians with the skills to identify subtle signs and symptoms of Rett syndrome during the early stages of the disorder so that referral can be made in a timely manner.