Case-Based Continuing Education for Health Care Professionals
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Continuing Education Course Library
This educational activity aims to equip oculoplastic surgeons and ophthalmologists with advanced knowledge of the diagnosis, individualized treatment planning, and management of thyroid eye disease, highlighting the importance of a collaborative, multidisciplinary care team.
This educational activity aims to equip oculoplastic surgeons and ophthalmologists with advanced knowledge of the diagnosis, individualized treatment planning, and management of thyroid eye disease, highlighting the importance of a collaborative, multidisciplinary care team.
Following this educational activity, clinicians will be able to identify opportunities for early referral of patients with diabetic retinopathy/diabetic macular edema and choose appropriate strategies for comanagement of patients with retinal disease.
Following this educational activity, clinicians will be able to identify opportunities for early referral of patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration and choose appropriate strategies for comanagement of patients with retinal disease.
This educational activity presents an overview of dry eye disease/meibomian gland dysfunction pathophysiology and classification, results from clinical trials investigating new and emerging therapies, and case-based discussions in which experts share insights on developing targeted treatment regimens for managing dry eye disease/meibomian gland dysfunction.
This educational activity is focused on patients receiving parenteral nutrition, particularly intravenous lipid emulsions (ILEs).
This educational activity will provide clinicians with insights on the most relevant clinical data for treating wet age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy/diabetic macular edema.
This CME/CE webcast is designed for clinicians seeking to enhance their understanding and management of thyroid eye disease.
This educational activity will present an overview of dry eye disease pathophysiology, which will provide a foundation for targeted treatment selection, results from clinical trials of new and emerging treatments, and a series of case-based discussions.
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