Case-Based Continuing Education for Health Care Professionals
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Continuing Education Course Library
This educational activity will enable optometrists to better identify patients with diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema and to improve how care is coordinated so that effective treatment practices can ultimately improve visual outcomes of patients with diabetes.
This educational activity prepares clinicians to competently incorporate MIGS into their surgical repertoire and develop the ability to select the best MIGS according to individual patient needs and desires.
This case-based program will focus on elucidating the role of nitric oxide in eyes with glaucoma, providing strategies to achieve target intraocular pressure levels with newer topical agents that home in on the trabecular meshwork, and interpreting clinically relevant data supporting the efficacy and safety of these new agents.
This case-based program will focus on elucidating the role of nitric oxide in glaucomatous eyes, including treatment strategies that use nitric oxide’s mechanism of action on the trabecular meshwork to increase aqueous humor outflow and to achieve target intraocular pressure levels via new therapeutic options.
This case-based educational activity focuses on reinforcing the role of nitric oxide (NO) in glaucomatous eyes; achieving target intraocular pressure (IOP) levels; targeting new sites of action, such as the trabecular meshwork, with emerging therapies; and interpreting clinically relevant data supporting a role for emerging medical therapies in patients with glaucoma.
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